- RO Water System.
- UV Water System.
- Largest Playground.
- Wi-Fi Enabled Campus.
- Smart Class.
- Interactive Panel Board.
- Robotic Lab.
- Skating Ground.
Chemistry Lab
We have well equiped instuments in our laboratory.
Computer Lab
Airconditioned Lab with latest computers and Projector.
Physics Lab
Latest and highly calibrated instruments with well furnished lab.
Airconditioned Library
we have lot book collection from around the world.
Our infrastructure
I can only lisp like a child, but then I am only a child, anxious to learn how to speak properly through my lisping.
- Holy Bible
Wisdom is better than strength and prudence is better than courage.
- Holy Bible
For man is his supreme masterpiece, the living image of his beauty and his perfection, the great vessel of his graces.
-St. Montfort